Classroom Activities
There are many kinds of activities that are used by teachers to enhance and improve student’s performance. Some are physical activities and in some we use paper and pen for writing exercise. So there are many types. I have divided classroom activities in two types that are respectively:
1/ Physical Activities
2/ Writing Activities
In classroom teacher is the person that has to create bond between the classes and unite them as one group. The teacher uses the ideas of activities to make them achieve their goal as one. In small classes there is an exercise that is called Alphabet Recognition, this technique is for younger kids to recognize the alphabets and adjust them in their imagination.
Physical activities include: Opposite Hunt and Making Rules. These are few activities used in classes.
First divide the class in half and distribute cards for each student, the first half consist the words and the other half consist the meanings the students must find the student who has their word’s meaning. By this the students will eventually understand the word and the meaning.
Give students the job to make rules for some physical exercises like stretching and then sitting on the chair and before the class times up every student must pick the litter and throw it in the bin. By this the students will learn the idea of cleaning and will eventually pick the habit to have healthy environment.
The writing exercise includes the idea of learning with the method less boring and more interesting. Like there is an exercise that is called Question of the day.
Everyday give students a question to learn and then make group of students that will write the answer as teamwork. Then the teacher will decide that which student has come up with the best answer.
Give student a large paper on which they write the answer that the teacher will give. Soon writing the answer they will rise their paper and teacher will check the answer whether it is wrong or right.