Some pupils set to return on the 1st June
Many teachers and head teachers are frantically trying to sort out how the schools are going to open back up to some year groups on the first of June. Initially it is only going to be reception, year one and year 6 but over the coming weeks more are likely to return. They are going to have to try and socially distant the children as much as possible and the whole day is going to be very disruptive. On top of this they need to try and look out for the mental health and wellbeing of the children and try and keep things as non clinical as possible so as not to upset them.
It is going to require a lot of thought and planning as start and finish times will have to be staggered along with lunch and break times. They are going to be expected to teach as much as possible outside and instil strict hand washing at all times.
Many teachers are worried exactly how this is going to work or indeed if this is going to work but as this is new times for all we really don’t know and it may be that things have to be reviewed and changed as we go along.