Is more testing the way to boost achievement?
Statutory and more informal assessments have become commonplace in Primary schools now and it appears that this will increase even more but is this approach actually improving academic achievement or could the time spent on testing and assessment be used more profitably.
Most teachers know that not all children learn the same way. Some learn better when they are required to memorise facts off by heart, learning by rote, whilst other children learn more if the context is a practical one, so they get to see the purpose of their learning. The problem with the testing regimes that are common in Primary school is that they focus more on learning facts by rote. If the child who is being tested has a poor memory or finds concentrating for long periods of time difficult they are at a disadvantage. The whole system is geared towards children who are academic but is unfair for the children who struggle with more traditional learning methods.
A child’s achievement and intelligence cannot be measured accurately by continually assessing them and although teachers know that some assessment is necessary to determine future curriculum planning, time would be better spent on planning inspiring lessons which would benefit all pupils.