A National Education Service? What is it?
To a teacher, the idea of a National Education Service, independent of Government, probably sounds like music to the ears, and it’s certainly an idea on the table, a core of the Corbynite Labour policy.
But what would it mean, actually, in practice? It’s all undeniably vague, but the hope would be an evidence, and teacher-lead service, designed to educate and develop rather than to train and instil corporate values.
Essentially the biggest criticism of a Corbynite government is that it is huge on ideas, but lacking on detail and delivery, but honestly, to me – that remains the beauty of it. The detail can, and should, be worked out by the deliverers, not left to political whims, interferences and devices.
I didn’t learn free thought from school, and to be honest, I don’t think anyone does. But everyone should. That would be my hope for a National Education Service. A basic device to instil critical thought in everyone.
I have a friend who touts the idea of National Service; but rather than military service, Community Service. Setting a tone for your place in society and integrating, realising that we all have to take care of each other.