Teaching jobs – Keeping Organised
Teaching can be extremely difficult if you can’t keep on top of the workload. Many teachers make organisation a priority, and this should always be the case. Depending on the school, you could find yourself teaching more than 30 children, and not only does that mean you have to prepare work for the class, you also have to mark each of the individuals work or homework which they submit.
Some teachers will organise their work and deadlines the traditional way with diaries and sectioned folders, while others will incorporate their work into spreadsheets and check off items when they are complete. Newer devices have allowed for individuals to sort out their work using apps or software, taking the same approach to diaries.
Documents and letters can soon build up, and it’s vital to make sure they are stored in a suitable location, perhaps labelled, so they can be found quickly and efficiently when they are needed most. Many teachers have filing cabinets, and sectioning all types of worksheets and document splays a big part in staying organised.