The end of writing lessons?
Over the last few years we have seen an increasing trend of school students putting down their writing books in favour of laptops, notebooks, and tablets. The internet was the impetus for this change, as with the networking capabilities that the internet connection allows can hold large and accessible databases which a classroom of students can access and contribute to. In addition to what the internet allows, the advancements in computing power, and with the new tablets available, the level of convenience with using them has increased exponentially. This all begs the question, with people no longer needing to write out by hand, when will we stop teaching people to do so? In fact, recently, a school in the USA has instituted a new policy, whereby all students will be using tablets in their education, and the written word is no longer taught. So, how long before the rest of the world follow suit? Or will we always foresee a situation where the written word is preferable?