Bright Teachers

Teaching, educationand education aides blog

One to One mentoring for pupils

One to one mentoring has been around for a while, but recently there has been an increase in the number of parents finding this support for their children. Some children will learn more from one to one tutoring than from being in a classroom environment. There is a debate as to whether one form of education is better than the other, but doing both is surely more beneficial. With one to one tutoring, the teacher is able to tailor all task specifically towards that individual in terms of ability and personal circumstances. It may be possible to eliminate all other distractions that you may find in a classroom such as other pupils and noise levels allowing the pupil to concentrate 100% on the task in hand. One to one tutoring... Read More »

Sharing teaching tips

Teaching can be a very rewarding job but also it can be extremely stressful. Many new teachers struggle to find relevant resources they can use in the classroom. If you have a new subject to teach, you may want advice or tips on how to cover the topic successfully, and other teachers can often help with this. There are many forums that you can sign up to especially for teachers which allows you to share ideas and even planning notes / resources to use within certain lessons. These forums are designed to allow teachers to share their own experiences with different ways of teaching and what has worked and not worked for them. It is also a great support network, allowing teachers to talk to others in their situation. Some... Read More »

Creating inspiring classroom displays

Teachers are responsible for creating classroom displays based around themes and topics that the students are currently studying. Thinking of new and exciting ways to display this information can become a challenge but luckily there are many helpful resources online to aid teachers. Some say that the classroom is an extension of them as a teacher. It can show the students how much you care about the job you do and how much you think of their work that they produce. With this in mind it is important to showcase their work where possible. A nice idea is to have a display of all the books that your class will be studying throughout the year. You could have a small display themed around each book with a copy of the... Read More »

Thinking of becoming a supply teacher?

Teachers need to train for a number of years to be qualified. After this they will usually have one year where they are classed as an NQT (newly qualified teacher) and during this time they will get some valuable experience they need to progress with their career. Unfortunately many teachers are leaving the profession within this first year, even after having spent three to four years obtaining their degree. The reason for this is often due to stress from work load or from a difficult class, but I would urge any teacher to explore their options fully before leaving the profession entirely. Supply teaching is a great way to still teach but take away a little of the stress. Often as a supply teacher you will not be responsible for... Read More »

Choosing a child’s first school

Your child will normally start school the September after they turn 4 but some schools do take children on in the Easter after if they have missed a September start. They have also recently announced that parents will be able to defer their child starting school at the age of 4 until the following year when they are 5. Choosing a school for your child can be a daunting process as you may not have had much contact with the local schools previously. You usually need to apply for a place at your first choice and then possibly make a note of your second and third choice in case your child cannot get in to the first school. When choosing these you will need to consider travel arrangements and many... Read More »